
If separately registered, do theyhave to clarify the matching situation?

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ku1314520 一阶会员 User from: 广东省深圳市
2023-09-17 22:47

The generator and surgical accessories of high frequencysurgical equipment can either be submitted registration as the wholeproduct, or separately.

High frequency surgical equipment used for normal cutting andcoagulation is generallyconsidered as commonly universality. If theyare submitted separately, the matching situation does not need to beclarifed.
The high frequency generator shall clarify its connection portand the rated power, maximum output voltage, and crest factor ofeach output mode. The high frequency surgical instrument shallclarify its connection port and the maximum rated accessory voltageIf the connection port and parameters from two sides match, they willbe able to use together.

For unconventionality used cutting and coagulation function ofthe high frequency generator and accessories, the matching situationshall be clarified.

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Release time
2023-09-17 22:46
Update time
2023-09-17 22:47
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